Treatment of Periodontal Disease
Periodontal simply means “the tissue around the teeth.” Periodontists specialize in the treatment and surgery of this area, which is often characterized by gum disease.
Treatment of periodontal disease will help patients retain their teeth. It includes non-surgical and surgical approach.
Non-surgical approach
Deep scaling and root planning
Laser treatment
- to reduce bacteria in periodontal pockets
Application of medications into periodontal pockets
Surgical approach
In moderate to advanced periodontal disease gum surgery will usually decrease of eliminate deep pockets and promote good oral hygiene.
Soft tissue grafting
A surgical treatment of gum recession to prevent further gum loss, to strengthen thin gums and to alleviate sensitivity of exposed tooth surface
Hard tissue grafting
- to provide more tooth support, to regenerate lost bone and decrease depth of pony pockets.
- to preserve ridge and to augment bone for implant or bridge placement
Crown lengthening procedure
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