Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal therapy fits under the special dentistry area known as endodontics. Endodondics literally means dentistry within the tooth itself. The procedure treats disorders of the pulp (the soft tissue inside the crown and roots made up of blood vessels, nerves and lymph vessels that help keep your tooth nourished).

Endodontic treatment restores your tooth to a comfortable state by removing the damaged tissue and replacing it with a substance that will help preserve the function of the tooth. There are many reasons that a root canal may be needed but the most common cause is the carious process (the uncontrolled process of tooth decay). When tooth decay begins, it penetrates the outer layer of enamel and creates a cavity. If that process is not stopped the decay will continue toward the nerve of the tooth.

Other causes include a fracture that exposes the pulp, traumatic injury such as a blow to a toot, a cracked or loose filling or repeated fillings in a tooth and occasionally from periodontal (gum) disease. Regardless of the initial cause, the tooth pulp becomes irritated and an abscess (infection) can occur. Bacteria from your saliva grow within the tooth pulp, causing pressure and pain. Eventually the pulp dies causing the bone around the tooth to be destroyed.

The Procedure

Once it has been determined (with x-rays and clinical examination) that root canal treatment is necessary, you will be scheduled for one or more appointments. Your visit may last one to two hours and you may receive local anesthesia. The coal of the root canal therapy is to improve the health of your damaged tooth by removing the pulp from your root canals through a small opening in the crown. Then the canals are sealed with special materials to prevent bacteria from reaching your bone.

The outside of your tooth will be restored so it will function properly and have a healthy appearance. After root canal therapy, your tooth continues to be nourished by your surrounding gums and bone. Once the root canal treatment has been completed you should be aware of the following considerations like discoloration - occasionally an endodontically treated tooth may undergo a change in co lour. While this is of no great medical concern we will discuss with you optional procedures. A non-vital tooth is more brittle than a vital one, we will recommend therefore preventive measures like crowning (capping) your tooth to follow a root canal procedure.

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